Monday 30 May 2011


wyspa mull, dzien 3 - powrot do craignure + prom

po milych chwilach w zatoce calgary czekala nas rownie mila podroz do craignure by zlapac prom do oban. wiekszosc drogi widoki obejmowaly ben more oraz loch na'keal a takze wyspe ulva. mialysmy tez mala, krowia przygode :)


isle of mull, day 3- way back to catch a ferry from craignure

after great time at calgary bay we had to move a little bit faster to drive back to craignure to catch a ferry to oban. most of the way back we had great views to ben more and loch na'keal, and some to ulva too. we also had a 'cow experience' in the meantime...


ben more :)

loch na'keal & ben more

wlochacz przydrozny :) / hitchhiker :)

no i prosze - jedziemy a tam krowy luzacko stoja na mostku i ani im sie sni isc na jakas trawiasta przekaske! / here you go, we're driving and what? herd of cows blocking the bridge! we had to wait couple of minutes before they moved, and we did have a lot of fun waiting for them to step away

nie ma to jak isc za liderem :) / follow the leader

w tle wyspa ulva / in the background - ulva

yes yes yes :)

jestesmy juz na promie - duart castle - we're on the ferry

latarnia na wyspie lismore / lismore lighthouse

po przyplynieciu do oban stwierdzilysmy ze zasluzylysmy na porzadny obiad przed 3 godzinna jazda do domu. bea miala talerz pelen roznych ryb (mniam) a ja wzielam talerz owocow morza - krab, ostrygi, langusty, przegrzebek i wedzony losos (mniam mniam!) ostrygi mnie zaskoczyly - sa mieciutkie, nie smierdza i maja delikatny, nieintensywny smak (uff, bo troszke sie cykalam ich jesc)

after landing in oban we decided we deserved a good dinner before our further journey to edinburgh. bea ordered fish platter (yummy!) and i went for seafood platter with crab, scallops, langoustinnes, oysters and smoked salmon. that was BRILLIANT. thanks goodness the oysters were nice, i was actually pretty scared of trying them, but they were nice, soft, non-stinky with very delicate flavour.

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