Thursday, 1 August 2013


glen brittle, fairy pools

niezwykle przyjemny niedzielny poranek! zebralysmy sie szybciutko by nie natknac sie na tlumy turystow przemierzajacych glen brittle oraz sciezke idaca wzdluz strumienia Allt Coir a Mhadaidh. to wlasnie na tym strumieniu znajduja sie dziesiatki wiekszych I mniejszych wodospadow oraz liczne 'jeziorka' w ktorych mozna, jesli nie poplywac, to chociaz pomoczyc dupke :) 

wazne: przecietny turysta przemierzy tylko pierwsza 1/3 sciezki I zatrzyma sie kolo 'najslynniejszego' wodospadu I jeziorka znanego z tysiecy zdjec krazacych po internecie. tam raczej nie uda wam sie poplywac, chyba ze nie przeszkadza wam tloczenie sie w 10 osob na 4 metrach kwadratowych... ale jesli pojdziecie nieco dalej, naprawde 50-100 metrow dalej prawie nikt nie bedzie was I bedziecie miec cale jeziorko dla siebie :) jesli, tak jak my, zapomnieliscie stroju kapielowego - idzcie nieco dalej I nieco wczesniej rano :)

goraco polecamy! 


glen brittle, fairy pools

brilliantly nice sunday morning! again, we got up very early to try to avoid the crowds of random tourists roaming along glen brittle, picnicking and sunbathing along Allt Coir a Mhadaidh. the stream accommodates dozens of lower and higher waterfalls as well as pools.. green crystal clear ice cold water... water whispering to your ear to come in and enjoy...   :)
some pools are large and deep enough to swim, other ones suitable just to wet you feet. 

important:  an average tourist will walk only first 1/3 of the path and will come back after seeing just the first waterfall and pool. the pool is known around the web, thousands of pictures posted, I guess this is why an average tourist will think that 'this is it'. this pool is going to be very busy and you're likely to just watch others in the water rather than jumping in yourself... unless you like squeezing yourself with 10 other guys on 4 square metres... 
but if you do mind that, you will go a wee bit further, 50-100 metres further up the stream and you are very likely to be absolutely undisturbed at all, having the pool just to yourself. and if you, like us, forgot your swimming suit, you will have to go to fairy pools a little bit earlier than the others, and wee little bit further than the others :)     

very much recommended!

sciezka wiodaca do strumienia I grani cuillinsow   /  path taking you to the stream and further to the cuillin ridge

the black cullins

Allt Coir a Mhadaidh

najslynniejszy wodospad I jeziorko  /   the most famous pool and waterfall

.. ale idac nieco dalej nie natykamy sie na nikogo...
... but going just a wee bit further, we are alone!

wybaczcie ale nie zamieszcze naszych zdjec 'plywajacych'  (z przyczyn ktore podalam na wstepie)
forgive me, but I cannot show you the pics with us swimming...reason - given in the introduction

idac jeszcze nieco dalej    /   going still wee bit further

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