Tuesday 26 September 2017


set of photos taken while crossing from stromness to scrabster. first hour of sailing was very exciting, we were passing hoy and some if its most exciting coastline


zdjecia zrobione z promu stromness-scrabster. pierwsza godzina tej podrozy obfitowala w piekne widoki - oplywalismy wyspe hoy, z jej najlepszej strony!

 that green flattish area in foreground is another orcadian island - grimsay, with hoy behind it
ten zielony placek z przodu to kolejna z wysp archipelagu orkady -grimsay. za nia- wyspa hoy

 some of the most fantastic cliffs on hoy. can you spot 2 waterfalls?
jedne z najfajniejszych klifow na wyspie hoy. widzicie 2 wodospady?

 hoy's highest hill -ward hill 481m
najwyzsza gorka na hoy - ward hill, 481 mnpm

 kame of hoy

 ward hill / cuilags / taing of selwick / kame of hoy
does this not remind you of the faroes?

 kame of hoy & st john's head
highest cliffs in uk / najwyzsze klify w uk

 st john's head - bre brough

for an insight of st john's head experienced from the ground level rather than the sea
silence / fulmars / wildlife/ magic


 last look at the old man of hoy
ostatnie spojrzenie na old man of hoy (starzec z hoy)

bye hoy!
(in the middle - cliffs of rackwick)

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