Sunday 12 May 2013


starzec ze stoer jest skalnym kominem wylaniajacym sie z morza nieopodal latarni stoer.
dochodzi sie do niego sciezka wiodaca wzdluz poteznych klifow. spacer na okolo 3 godz.
mozna wrocic ta sama droga lub pojsc na przelaj przez bagniste wrzosowisko -opcja ta nie brzmi dobrze, ale wracajac ta droga mozna podziwiac wielkie masywy quinag, canisp, suilvena, cul mor a nawet stac pollaidh.
punkt ten jest znany rowniez z obserwacji delfinow, wielorybow, orek, fok i rekinow.
warto zabrac ze soba lornetke

old man of stoer is an impressive sea stack, nearby stoer lighthouse.
to see the old man follow the path going from the car park at the lighthouse, along high impressive cliffs. the walk there and back is about 3 hrs.
there is an alternative route back, going thru boggy moorland. i know it doesnt sound too good, but walking back this way you will be able to see all the big mountains of assynt lined out on the horizon: quinag, canisp, suilven, cul mor, even stac pollaidh.
the area is also known for seeings of seals, whales, sharks, dolphins so it is worth to take your binoculars, just in case :)

latarnia stoer  /  stoer lighthouse

potezne klify  /  high cliffs

my wzielysmy lornetke, niestety na prozno
though we had binoculars, and tried hard, we didnt encounter any seeings

oto i on w oddali, starzec ze stoer
here he is, in the distance, old man of stoer

prosze bardzo, gory assyntu w rzadku gotowe do bycia podziwianymi
mountains of assynt lined out for you

canisp, suilven, cul mor

canisp, suilven

suilven, cul mor


dla przypomnienia gdzie bylysmy  /   just to remind you where we were

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