loch katrine, rejs po jeziorze statkiem parowym 'sir walter scott'
loch katrine, journey on 'sir walter scott' steam ship.

przystan / the harbour

might be handy to some of you guys ..

.. or maybe that too?

wzdloz brzegu jeziora prowadzi sciezka rowerowa / a cycle path along loch katrine shore

oto on -statek parowy 'sir walter scott' / here she is - 'sir walter scott' steam ship

na pokladzie / aboard

wycieczka zaczela sie od ulewy... / first 15 mins of the journey - torrential rain

ben a'an

nieco wieje.. / a wee bit windy...

juhuu, jakies slonce dla odmiany! / some sunshine for a change

arrochar alps

ben lomond

ben a'an & ben venue

ben venue

ben venue

ben a'an

nieco zmarznieta haha / just me, frozen actually lol
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