na szczescie po wielu ponuro-szarych dniach w koncu prognoza pogody zapowiadala cos ciekawszego :) i sprawdzilo sie - dla odmiany slonce swiecilo w weekend (a nie jak to zawsze bywa, kiedy siedzimy w pracy) wiec zebralysmy sie w gory. pobudka oczywiscie nieco pozniej niz planowalam, ale jak tu wstac w niedziele o 6.00 rano?!?!?!
tym razem na cel obralysmy ben vane. tuz przed 10.00 dojechalysmy do inveruglas skad zaczyna sie szlak. dzien byl piekny, jak widac, swiecilo bardzo i nawet bylo cieplo :)
szlak poczatkowo prowadzi nieuzywana asfaltowka jadnopasmowka, pozniej zamienia sie w lesny trakt, z ktorego schodzi sie na sciezke bagienno-blotna wiodaca w gore na ben vane. widoki cala droge przednie: najpierw kawal skurczybyka a'chrois z lewej, ben vorlich z prawej, ben vane oczywiscie prosto przed nami. pozniej, w miare wspinania sie widoki sa jeszcze lepsze: na loch lomond i ben lomond, loch arklet az do loch katrine, beinn ime, beinn narnain i the cobbler, z drugiej strony tama oraz loch sloy, oraz dalej na polnoc ben lui. zreszta zobaczycie pozniej :)
ben vane coprawda ledwo zalapal sie na status munrosa, ale jest charakterna, stroma gora. mniej wiecej po przejsciu 1/3 drogi koncza sie blociska i zaczynaja sie skalki, ostatnia 1/3 drogi to juz w sumie same skalki (w naszym przypadku grubo przykryte sniegiem). jedyny trudny moment na drodze w gore (ktory okazal sie jeszcze bardziej trudny podczas schodzenia) to skalny stopien zaraz po przekroczeniu granicy sniegu. stopien jest dosc wysoki (jak na moje krotkie nozki), waski i niestety byl oblodzony wiec nie dawal podparcia wcale. byloby dosc trudno, ale akurat w tym miejscu spotkaly nas dwie kobitki ktore mialy czekany i przy ich pomocy pokonalismy stopien dosc szybko. zreszta od tej chwili reszte dnia spedzilysmy wlasnie razem z tymi kobitkami, ktore okazaly sie bardzo milymi gadulami :)
generalnie tego dnia na ben vane szlo dosc sporo osob, spotkalysmy nawet jeszcze jedna grupe polakow :) (w drodze powrotnej, przy tym paskudnym skalnym stopniu)
byl to jeden z najmilszych dni w gorach -troche adrenaliny, piekne widoki, mile towarzystwo, fajne zdjecia oraz nowe doswiadzenie z czekanem, ktory jest calkiem sensownym zakupem :)
ben vane 915 mnpm
finaly, after so many grey and gloomy days, the weather forecast promised something better. and it became true!
we decided there was no time to loose and definitely we wouldn't waste a sunny day doing nothing therefore we woke up EARLY morning, packed, picked up Justyna and drove to inveruglas to tackle a munro. we arrived to the village just before 10.00.
the day was nice and sunny, it was warm! ....well, kind of warm for february :)
at first, we followed a tarmac road, then after passing the old farm we turned into country road, and again, after passing a stream we reached the beginning of muddy and boggy path up to ben vane. since the very beginning, the views were spectacular - first to a'chrois and ben vorlich, then further up to ben lomond, loch lomond, beinn ime, beinn narnainn and the cobbler, loch arklet and loch katrine hills. amazing!
ben vane is hardly a munro but steep slopes make it a hard day out.
after passing about 1/3 of way up, the bog ends and terrain becomes rocky and rough. nice :) then after another 1/3 way up everything is just rocks (for us it was rocks and snow & ice)
actually there was only one tricky moment on the ascent - the rock step just after we passed snow line. the step was high (for my short legs anyway) and narrow... and covered in ice :( we would struggle there but luckily at this point we met two ladies who had ice axes and with their help we passed the bloody step :) actually since then we spent the day together, going up to the summit and then down to inveruglas. they were as chatty as beata (lol), so you can imagine how nice it was to bag a munro with them :)
in general- the day was great, we had some adrenaline, nice views, nice company and an ice axe experience (already on a 'to buy' list), ben vane was very busy, we met another group of poles (at the tricky step) and a lot of nice lads and gals (lol). ok, now you go and see the photies :)
ben vane 3002ft (915m)
a'chrois from the car park at inveruglas visitor centre
first views to ben vane
yuppi, now there are some pics of me too, since we bought a wee compact camera and bea carries it everywhere :)

last 1/3 of the ascent with the tricky step (in case you wondered, it's not the summit yet)
gleann leacann sheileach, beinn narnainn & the cobbler
ja :) / myself
ja i pan lomond / mr lomond and I

surprise, the ben vane summit is a wee flat plateau!
beinn ime
ben lomond & a'chrois
gaduly, wciaz na szczycie / chatterboxes ;) ... still on the summit
.. i wciaz na szczycie / ... and still on the summit

ben lui, ben oss, beinn dubhchraig
trudny kawalek widziany z dolu. niestety na zdjeciu wyglada jak bulka z maslem, naprawde bylo dosc klopotliwie, slisko i nieco stresujaco. wlasnie spotkalysmy polakow :)

the tricky step (i was already down), i know it looks like piece of cake on those pics, but believe me, it was a bit stressing. oh, we just met another group of Poles here :)
Very good photos brave souls :)
ReplyDeleteSome nice snaps here, love Scotland just dont see enough of it.