po polsku chyba 'rybitwa'. maly krzykliwy morski ptak, gniazdujacy w trawie I agresywnie broniacy swojego terytorium I malych. atakuje przechodnow calym stadem, atakuje najwyzszy punkt - czyli glowe, ale nie jest niebezpieczny. jak sobie z nimi radzic? nie panikowac, nie machac rekami, jedynie wystawic reke wysoko ponad glowe. mie machac, bo krzywda jaka one moge nam potencjalnie wyrzadzic jest znikoma (zadrapanie) a my machaniem mozeny je powaznie uszkodzic.
na isle of may upodobaly sobie tereny zaraz przy przystani wiec wysiadajac na wyspe pierwsze co to natykasz sie na tych malych krzykaczy. to jak chrzest w ogniu.
small, loud seabird, nesting on the ground and aggressively defending the territory and youngs. it attacks in a large group, attacks the highest point of a trespasser - goes straight for your head. how to deal with them? stick your hand high above your head and don't panic :) they will not touch you, just try to scare you off. don't waive your hand, you can seriously damage them whereas even if they go for it and decide to come in contact with you, the worst you can experience will be some small scrapes.
in Iceland they were equally aggressive
on isle of may, arctic terns chose nesting grounds just next to the small harbour, so first thing after leaving the boat you are surrounded by the group of small aggressive birds. baptism in fire indeed.