Thursday, 26 October 2017


awww, it's the last post featuring the orkneys :(
visit to the cliffs of yesnaby proved again, that the nature has it's own course and if you're hoping for good photos - don't be disheartened by big grey skies, just wait a bit :)

it was a bit of a drive to yesnaby, but when we arrived to the small car park at the end of the road, we already knew it was going to be good :) it was very windy, but everyone living in Scotland knows that wind brings sudden changes in weather and light :) soon enough we witnessed just that - moody light, sudden bursts of sunshine and back to grey
and the roar of the sea was mighty. we both felt very impressed by this cliffs of yesnaby


och, to just ostatnia odslona zdjec z okrad :(
wizyta w yesnaby dowiodla tylko, znow, ze natura ma swoje wlasne plany i jesli ktos planuje popstrykac fajne zdjecia to musi tylko poczekac, nie przejmowac sie szarosciami na niebie, po prostu chwile poczekac :)

droga do yesnaby nieco sie dluzyla, ale kiedy dotarlysmy w koncu na maly parking, na koncu drogi, od razu wiedzialysmy ze bedzie fajnie
bylo bardzo wietrznie, ale chyba kazdy kto odwiedzil choc raz szkocje wie, ze wiatr przynosi zmiany pogody i swiatla. zraraz zreszta stalo sie dokladnie to, swiatlo zmienilo sie na kaprysne, klimatyczne, potem nagle przeblyski slonca i znow szaroscie.. 
morze grzmialo i fale z sila rozbijaly sie o klify. obu nam bardzo sie te klify podobaly

that's the view just couple of yards away from car park. cliffs, arches and sound of waves
takie widoki zaczynaja sie juz wlasciwie od samego parkingu; klify, luki, grzmot fal

and more coves and caves

the light was everchanging

structure of ground on clifftops 

overview of rocks colours, and shapes

who dares crossing that bridge? not me!

yesnaby castle, famous sea stack. i'm doubtfull, but Bea tells me, definitely, to wait for better light.. 
zamek yesnaby, slynny tutejszy ostaniec. mam watpliwosci, ale Bea kazde mi czekac na lepsze swiatlo..

.. and it happens!!!! 

on our way back from the castle (15-20 mins walk along the coast) 
oh no! come back, birds! it's not autumn yet! no!!!

another sudden (and short) burst of sunshine

big, orcadian skies

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