Tuesday 3 August 2010


przejscie grania tarmachan, zaliczajac po drodze jednego munrosa -meall nan tarmachan oraz dwa munrosowe szczyty - meall garbh i beinn an eachan. bardzo udany dzien, pogoda jak najbardziej dopisala, moze tylko poza lodowatym wiatrem ktory sukcesywnie zwiewal nas ze sciezki i sprawil ze w ogole nie czulysmy jak prazy slonce... a potem okazalo sie ze mamy nieco spalone buzie :)
meall nam tarmachan chodzil za mna juz jakis czas, a dokladnie od dnia wejscie na ben lawers'a. od tamtej strony wyglada bardzo zachecajaco i przepysznie :) no to sie doczekal :)
meall nan tarmachan:
1044m / 3425ft
munro nr 89
meall garbh
1118m / 3667ft
beinn an eachan
1000m / 3280ft
the tarmachan ridge - munro: meall nan tarmachan and two munro summits: meall garbh and beinn an eachan.
really nice day, great weather, maybe except the wind that was icy cold and trying to blow us off the track.. and that was the reason why we didn't realise that the sun was quite strong and our faces burnt..
first i saw meall nan tarmachan when we were climbing ben lawers last year, the mountain looked great, yummy.. i had to go there finally ;)

no zimno bylo.... / yeah, it was sunny but really cold!

meall garbh

wchodzac na meall nan tarmachan / climbing meall nan tarmachan

beinn ghlas & ben lawers

prawie na szczycie munrosa, w tle loch tay / nearly there! (loch tay)

naprawde wialo / yeah, it was really windy

szczyt / summit meall nan tarmachan

meall garbh & beinn an eachan

patrzac na polnocny zachod / looking north west

patrzac wstecz / looking back meall nan tarmachan, beinn ghlas & ben lawers

na / on meall garbh

meall garbh szczyt / the summit

zasluzony odpoczynek nad falls of dochart w killin / having a wee rest at falls of dochart in killin

1 comment:

  1. I can see why you wanted to go do it. Looks a great ridge to walk. Thanks for sharing that.
