wycieczka szczytami wokolo dolinki blackhope, niedaleko moffat. duzo by opowiadac o tym dniu.... hmm... po pierwsze -nie bierzcie tam swoich dzieci :)
zaczelo sie od tego ze aby przejsc dookola szczytami to trzeba sie najpierw wskrabac na ten pierwszy.. a dokladnie wczolgac... gdyz nie ma tam sciezki i trzeba po prostu zrobic sobie male wczolganie prawie na czworaka po super-stromym zboczu. takie wejscie na pierwszy szczyt zajelo nam 2 godziny... potem bylo juz lepiej gdyz skads pojawila sie sciezka! skad sie tam wzieli ludzie ktorzy ja wydeptali na szczycie??? (a nie ma sladu sciezki na zboczu????) no niewazne.. w kazdym razie potem bylo juz tylko lepiej i wejscie na hart fell oraz na koncu na giganta saddle yolk nie stanowilo wiekszego problemu. udalo nam sie nawet spotkac stadko dzikich koz... chcielismy nawet jedna na obiad... ale skubane, szybkie sa :)
aha - oczywiscie prognoza pogody nas oklamala (dlaczego mnie to nadal dziwi po tylu latach?!?!) mialo byc cieplo i slonecznie, a tymczasem....
pojechali z nami justyna & stephen
swatte fell (729m) - falcon craig (724m) -hart fell (808m) - hartfell rig (739m) - saddle yoke (720m)
nice walk on the hart fell ridges (horseshoe) above the glen of black hope, near moffat. I could say a lot about that trip, first of all -DON'T TAKE YOUR CHILDREN THERE!
well, to have a walk on the ridges, first you have to climb up to the top of the first hill, right? and that was the first (and only) problem. there was no path! to climb to the top of swatte fell we had to crawl (on our knees almost!) thru the grass on a pretty steep slope. that took us about 2 hours. from that point it got only better because, here's a miracle - there was a path on the top (where did all those people come from!?!?) anyway, after we crawled first hill the walk was quite nice and easy, even climb to the top of hart fell and the giant saddle yoke wasn't that hard. we also saw a wee group of wild goats :) none of them was happy to be our dinner (they were quite fast!)
oh, the weather forecast lied to us too, we expected sunshine!
joined us: justyna & stephen
swatte fell (729m) -falcon craig (724) -hart fell (808m) -hartfell rig (739) -saddle yoke (720m)
lobuzy -wielcy organizatorzy
the troublemakers who chose the bloody route!
tutaj jeszcze jestesmy zadowoleni bo jeszcze nie wiemy ze zaraz skoczy sie sciezynka
we're still happy here, soon we will discover there is no path...
gigantyczny saddle yoke / saddle yoke -the giant
bylo dosc wietrznie i generalnie zimno, na kanapke musielismy schowac sie do dziury! bea, twoj termos z goraca herbata jest zawsze zbawieniem!
it was really windy and cold in general, we had to find a quiet hole to have some sandwiches. bea, your flask with hot tea saved our lives, again!
juz na graniach, szczesliwi / happy guys on the ridges
dzikie kozy / wild goats
falcon craig
na szczycie / on the top of hart fell
stamtad przyszlismy! / that's where we came from!
juz prawie na / nearly on the top of hartfell rig
stephen :)
saddle yoke from / z hartfell rig
saddle yoke (z lewej / on the left) & swatte fell (z prawej / on the right)
hart fell from / z hartfell rig
swatte fell ze szczytu / from the top of saddle yoke
saddle yoke - szczyt drugi / summit no 2
saddle yoke - szczyt / summit
juz spowrotem w dolinie black hope
back to the black hope glen
wszystkie granie / the ridges
black hope glen
saddle yoke
corsa samotniczka :)
the lonely corsa