after a very quiet night spent in scourie we drove further north, to sandwood bay
i have to mention that the night was fantastic - only missing one element (northern lights) - i was woken up at night by a strong beam of light. i thought that the guys from nearby tent must have gone to the car for some reason and switch headlights on straight into our tent's direction. but it lasted sometime and i couldnt hear any noise whatsoever so i investigated :) i poked out my head from the tent and couldnt believe what i saw. full moon shining in full strength, the light was so strong that i could see proper shadows of tent's poles and wouldnt have any trouble to go for a walk to the beach. amazing. and bea slept right thru it :)
anyway, it was just a shortish drive to rhiconich and then further to blairmore (1hr) where the path to sandwood bay starts.
there is a car park & toilets, hard to miss.
as the day was extremely windy we wanted to make tea and take it with us, but there was no way to light the stove in that wind - then, as there wasnt anybody else around we decided that toilets are nice and fresh and we can hide there and boil water for tea. yeah!
walking to sandwood bay from this car park takes about 1.5-2 hrs (each way)
luckily we walked with the wind (one way...) and it rained only for few minutes so the walk was pleasurable thou longish, via featureless moorland with some 3 or 4 lochans. there is only one path in the area so no need to have a map, you cant get lost.
as soon as we approached sandwood bay, all changed.
dramatic coastline, lovely dunes, beautiful sun-lightened beach and a nice sea-stack. what a perfect set :) oh, and a crowd of people - crowd of 4, including us. pretty manageable :)
po spokojnej nocy spedzonej w scourie wsiadlysmy w fabke i ruszylysmy do sandwood bay
musze wspomniec ze noc byla fantastyczna, jedyne czego brakowalo do szczescia to zorza polarna, no ale trudno.
obudzilam sie w nocy przez silne swiatlo skierowane na nasz namiot. silne, biale swiatlo. pomyslalam ze moze para z namiotu obok postanowila poszukac czegos w samochodzie i akurat ich lampy swieca prosto w nasz namiot. wiec czekam i nasluchuje, ale nic. wiec wysciubiam glowe z namiotu a tam wspaniala pelnia ksiezyca. ogromna biala tarcza swiecaca prosto w nasz zaspany namiocik. swiatlo bylo tak silne, ze badyle od namiotu rzucaly porzadny 'sloneczny' cien, bylo tak jasno ze spokojnie moglabym isc na spacer na plaze.. wow.. a bea wszystko to przespala... :)
ze scourie szybko dojechalysmy do rhiconich a potem do sandwood bay, w sumie okolo godzina jazdy do brairmore, gdzie zaczyna sie sciezka do sandwood bay.
jest parking i toaleta wiec nie mozna przegapic.
bylo tam za to niesamowicie wietrznie, a my chcialysmy zrobic herbate w termos na droge, ale nie bylo szans by zapalic gaz, nie mowiac juz o ugotowaniu wody.. ale skoro nie bylo tam nikogo poza nami, a toaleta byla sliczna i swieza, i duza.. woda zagotowala sie szybciutko :)
spacer do sandwood bay zajmuje okolo 1.5-2 godz (w jedna strone), na szczescie na poczatek szlysmy z wiatrem, a deszcz padal tylko przez chwile. trasa dlugawa i nieco nudna, moze poza mijanymi jeziorkami, poza tym bezkresne bagno. w okolicy jest tylko jedna sciezka wiec nie ma szans sie zgubic.
kiedy w koncu zblizylysmy sie do sandwood bay wszystko sie zmienilo!
piekna linia brzegowa, wydmy, rozjasniowy sloncem piaseczek i oczywiscie ostaniec skalny w morzu. doskonaly zestaw.
gdyby nie te tlumy... tlumy az 4 ludzi (wliczajac nas!) niezle!
@ scourie
a longish walk from car park to the bay takes us via featureless moorland
dlugi spacer od parkingu do zatoki wiedzie przez plaskie i nudne bagniste wrzosowisko
approaching sandwood bay beach
zblizamy sie!
surprise, there also is a loch!
niespodzianka, za gorka kryje sie jezioro!
sandwood bay & sandwood loch
yeah, dunes, sand, wind.. sand in eyes...
tak tak, wydmy, piaseczek, wiatr, piaseczek w oczach...
zebra sand :)
am buachaille
have i mentioned that it was crazily windy???
wspomnialam juz ze wialo jak cholerka???
sandwood bay = some white sand, some peebles, some green seaweed, some colourful rocks
w sandwood bay znajdziemy piekny bialy piaseczek, malutkie kamyczki, zielone wodorosty i jakies kolorowe skalki tez !
by Bea
@ blairmore
almost back! / juz prawie przy parkingu
by Bea
map copyright ordnance survey
map copyright ordnance survey