zimowa wyprawa na tarmachan ridge.
munrosy te zaliczylysmy juz kilka lat temu, latem, teraz przyszedl czas na probe zdobycia szczytow grani tarmachan zima... a raczej wiosna, ale w pelni zimowych warunkow.
zimowy czas przejscia -5.5godz
winter attempt to climb and walk the tarmachan ridge.
we have already walked the ridge couple of years ago, in the summer. this time we decided to try the munro in winter... or rather in the spring but in full winter conditions.
winter walk time 5.5hrs
widoki z parkingu / view from the car park to beinn ghlas
uwaga -w tej okolicy byly 2 parkingi -jeden dedykowany dla ben lawers i nieco dalej dla tarmachan'a. teraz jest jeden, dosc duzy parking. zaraz za zjazdem do niego 'glowna droga' prowadzaca w strone glen lyon jest zamknieta na czas zimy
please note - there used to be 2 car parks in the area, one dedicated for ben lawers and 200yr further one for meall nan tarmachan. nowadays there is only one, good sized car park. the road going to glen lyon is closed just at the gate to the car park. the road is closed for winter.
meall corranaich & beinn ghlas
meall corranaich
z parkingu w strone podejscia na gran tarmachan
view from the car park towards the ascent route to the tarmachan ridge
na szlaku / following the path
meall corranaich
beinn ghlas
halo !!!!
zignorujcie te paprochy na szkle :)
please ignore the dust :)
w strone grupy szczytow ben lawers'a
towards the lawers group
meall corranaich
brrr zimno! / rather cold!
w strone / towards meall nan tarmachan
(by bea)
formy sniezno-mrozno-lodowo-wietrzne
weird snowy-icy-windy shapes
plot z pianka :) / foamy fence
meall garbh
meall nan tarmachan
trasa podejscia / ascent route
nieco sniegu nawialo / a wee bit of snow?
(by bea)
meall nan tarmachan szczyt / summit
(by bea)
w strone / towards meall garbh
(by bea)
meall garbh
meall garbh szczyt / summit
(by bea)
ze szczytu meall garbh w strone beinn nan eachan
view from the summit of meall garbh towards the third munro top -beinn nan eachan
(by bea)
widok w strone meall nan tarmachan z polowy zejscia z meall garbh
half way down from meall garbh towards meall nan tarmachan
ben vorlich & stuc a'chroin
trasa dnia / route of the day
(map copyright ordnance survey)
Szkoda ze zdjecia nie otwieraja sie tak samo jak w letniej galerii :-( Ale i tak sa super !