Tuesday, 9 August 2011

BUACHAILLE ETIVE BEAG- stob dubh & stob coire raineach

nasza ostatnia wycieczka do glencoe- dosc spontaniczna, musze dodac :) i wlasnie dlatego zdecydalysmy sie tym razem na cos krotszego - 7 godz, nie za dlugo, nie za krotko lecz w sam raz :) tym razem zdobylysmy masyw buachaille etive beag, wraz z jego dwoma munrosami: stob dubh i stob coire raineach. mialam coprawda chrapke na jego sasiada - buachaille etive mor, ale po pierwsze to dodatkowe 2 godz wspinania, a poza tym zdaje sie ze bede chciala go podejsc od strony wspinaczkowej a nie turystycznej, a to z kolei wymaga nieco przygotowan (wiec odpada jako spontaniczna wycieczka). dzien oczywiscie byl wspanialy, glencoe w tym roku bylo dla nas laskawe, za kazdym razem mialysmy bardzo dobra pogode.

dokladny opis trasy TUTAJ

buachaille etive beag:

stob dubh 956 mnpm, munro nr 206

stob coire raineach 925 mnpm, munro nr 263



our most recent trip to glencoe- very spontaneous, i have to mention. and just because of it we decided to do something shorter, 7 hrs exactly was just perfect. this time we bagged buachaille etive beag with its 2 munros stob dubh & stob coire raineach. actually i fancied walking its neighbour-buachaille etive mor, but decided against it.. taking into account additional 2 hrs of climbing and the fact that i would like to climb it via curved ridge, which requires some preparation and more scrambling practice. the day was great, i must say the glencoe has been very kind to us this year, every trip we had good weather contitions.

detailed route description HERE

buachaille etive beag:

stob dubh 3143ft (956m), munro no 206

stob coire raineach 3035ft (925m), munro no 263



trasa dnia / route of the day

poczatek sciezki. na szczescie cala trase idzie sie porzadna sciezka a potem skalistymi stopniami. widok na doline lairig eilde
the beginnig of the walk. fortunatelly all the way up there is a very well defined path and rocky steps. view to the lairig eilde glen.

beinn fhada

widok na / looking towards the pass of glencoe

no i juz na siodla pomiedzy dwoma munrosami, w tle stob coire raineach (czas wejscia z siodla na szczyt stob coire raineach to okolo 25min)

already reached the col between the two munros, looking towards stob coire raineach (from the col to the summit of stob coire raineach is about 25mins walk)

z siodla widok na nizszy szczyt stob dubh (wejscie z siodla na nizszy szczyt to okolo 15min, dalej do wlasciwego szczytu okolo 10-15min)

from the col towards stob dubh, lower summit (time of walk to the lower summit - 15mins and then another 10-15mins to the proper summit)

z nizszego szczytu stob dubh na stob coire raineach / from the lower summit of stob dubh towards stob coire raineach

w tle / in the background: stob coire sgreamhach, bidean nam bian & stob coire nan lochan

wlasciwy szczyt stob dubh z nizszego szczytu / stob dubh -the proper summit, view from the lower one

ben nevis

stob coire raineach

juz prawie.... / almost there....

...prawie.... / ....almost there.....

.. i jeszcze jedno zdjecie... (masyw buachaille etive mor) / ...and just one more picture .... (buachaille etive mor)

stob dubh - szczyt / the summit

wspaniala trojka / the mighty three

glen etive & loch etive

stob coire sgreamhach & bidean nam bian

na / on stob dubh

stob coire nan lochan

na szczycie drugiego munrosa / summit of the second munro of the day stob coire raineach

masyw buachaille etive mor i dolina lairig gartain / buachaille etive mor and 'lairig gartain' glen

lairig gartain

z/from stob coire raineach widok na/towards the pass of glencoe

ben nevis

w drodze na dol. dzien byl piekny wiec wcale sie nam nie spieszylo. mniej wiecej w polowie drogi w dol zdecydowalysmy sie na mala przerwe i danie odpoczynku stopom

descent. about half way down we decided to have a wee break and give our feet some rest.

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