Monday, 6 June 2011


podrozy wzdluz angielskiego wschodniego wybrzeza ciag dalszy.

tym razem miejscowosc STAITHES. w skrocie, jest to mala wioska rybacka wcisnieta w wawoz wydrazony przez rzeczke, pomiedzy dwoma wysokimi klifami. podobno staithes jest znane ze znajdowanych tam skamienialosci... coz zobaczcie sami. jeszcze tylko jedna mala wskazowka: staithes jest dosc latwe do znalezienia, jest zaraz po boulby (jadac od polnocy), niestety zjazd do starej czesci i klifow jest slabo oznaczony (jest duza tablica ale bardzo nieczytelna), nalezy skrecic w lewo zaraz po wjechaniu na gorke (chyba drugi zjazd przed sklepem) i zostawic samochod na publicznym parkingu (oznaczony)


trip along east coast of england, continued.

STAITHES is a wee fishermen village, the historic part is squized in the gorge between two high cliffs. apparently staithes is known for fossils trapped in the cliffs, well - let's see it later. just a wee hint - the village is easy to find, it's just off boulby (driving from north), but way to historic village is not too clear - there is a signpost but easy to miss when driving. remember to turn left just when you reach the hill, the public car park is signposted (i think the fee was £1).


tak dla orientacji, staithes jest zaraz nad whitby / just to have a rough idea where we were, staithes is just above whitby

glowna ulica prowadzaca do starej czesci / main street, leading to the historic village

doniczka / the boat-pot

staithes zdawalo sie byc wymarle. poza nami po wiosce krecily sie chyba tylko jeszcze 4 osoby. ale -tu niespodzianka - w czasie naszej wizyty ekipa bbc akurat krecila w staithes jakis nowy serial!

staithes seemed to be totaly dead. i think there were maybe another 4 people roaming the streets, except us. but - to our surprise - the bbc was just making a new drama based in staithes and we actually witnessed it!

plaza, przystan i klify (i wiatr). klif poludniowy / the beach, the harbour, the cliffs.. (and the wind). the southern cliff

klif polnocny / the northern cliff

na wioske.. / towards the village

na klify / towards the cliffs

przystan / the harbour

klify / the cliffs

a za zakretem.. jeszcze wiecej klifow! / and around the corner.. even more cliffs!

no dobra, skoro to miejsce jest znane za skamienialosci to popatrzmy skoro juz tu jestesmy, i tak juz lazimy.. / ok, as they say this place is known for easy-to-find fossils, let's have a look around, we're wandering here anyway...

cholerka, serio! szczesliwa jak szesciolatek w boze narodzenie :) / whoa!!! it really is a fossil! i'm happy like a 6yr old on xmas!

jeden taki ... / here's the first one..

a drugi taki / and here's the other one :)

widok na wioske z polnocnego klifu / looking down to the village from the bank of northern cliff

staithes, chyba najlepsze ujecie (z punktu widokowego na polnocnym klifie) takie zdjecie to wlasnie wizytowka tej miejscowosci / staithes from the viewpoint on the bank of northern cliff. i guess it's the most known image of the village.

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