Monday, 30 May 2011


wyspa mull, dzien 3 - powrot do craignure + prom

po milych chwilach w zatoce calgary czekala nas rownie mila podroz do craignure by zlapac prom do oban. wiekszosc drogi widoki obejmowaly ben more oraz loch na'keal a takze wyspe ulva. mialysmy tez mala, krowia przygode :)


isle of mull, day 3- way back to catch a ferry from craignure

after great time at calgary bay we had to move a little bit faster to drive back to craignure to catch a ferry to oban. most of the way back we had great views to ben more and loch na'keal, and some to ulva too. we also had a 'cow experience' in the meantime...


ben more :)

loch na'keal & ben more

wlochacz przydrozny :) / hitchhiker :)

no i prosze - jedziemy a tam krowy luzacko stoja na mostku i ani im sie sni isc na jakas trawiasta przekaske! / here you go, we're driving and what? herd of cows blocking the bridge! we had to wait couple of minutes before they moved, and we did have a lot of fun waiting for them to step away

nie ma to jak isc za liderem :) / follow the leader

w tle wyspa ulva / in the background - ulva

yes yes yes :)

jestesmy juz na promie - duart castle - we're on the ferry

latarnia na wyspie lismore / lismore lighthouse

po przyplynieciu do oban stwierdzilysmy ze zasluzylysmy na porzadny obiad przed 3 godzinna jazda do domu. bea miala talerz pelen roznych ryb (mniam) a ja wzielam talerz owocow morza - krab, ostrygi, langusty, przegrzebek i wedzony losos (mniam mniam!) ostrygi mnie zaskoczyly - sa mieciutkie, nie smierdza i maja delikatny, nieintensywny smak (uff, bo troszke sie cykalam ich jesc)

after landing in oban we decided we deserved a good dinner before our further journey to edinburgh. bea ordered fish platter (yummy!) and i went for seafood platter with crab, scallops, langoustinnes, oysters and smoked salmon. that was BRILLIANT. thanks goodness the oysters were nice, i was actually pretty scared of trying them, but they were nice, soft, non-stinky with very delicate flavour.


wyspa mull, dzien 3, kontynuacja - ZATOKA CALGARY

po szybkim zwiedzaniu tobermory udalysmy sie dalej na zachod, do zatoki calgary. ehh, piekna piaszczysta plaza, blekitna woda, zielonosc dookola. pieknie. poza szwedaniem sie po plazy na bosaka i malym wylegiwaniem na bialym piasku poszlysmy tez sie przejsc po klifie. oczywiscie zamiast isc dookola droga, my postanowilysmy isc na przelaj i wspiac sie na klif, a co! ostatecznie po malych klopotach udalo nam sie wgramolic do gory, ale narobilysmy przy tym tyle halasu ze konie pasace sie na polanie u gory klifu przyszly sprawdzic co sie dzieje :)


isle of mull, day 3 continued - CALGARY BAY

after a quick wander in tobermory we left for calgary bay. what a beautiful place - sandy beach (nice white sand), blue water and a lot of green hills and cliffs around. apart from walking barefoot on the beach and sunbathing we also went for a walk on the cliff. of course, we didnt choose to walk around on the track, instead we followed a faint path going straight up the cliff. all in all, we managed to climb it but we did so much noise that the horses (which were having their grassy meal on to of the cliff) came to see what's going on!


calgary bay

plaza nie jest zbyt dluga, ale bardzo przyjemna / the beach isn't too long, but really nice

widok z klifu / view from the cliff

sklepik przy plazy / tea room at the bay


wyspa mull, dzien 3, tobermory

o tobermory, stolicy wyspy mull, nie mam w sumie za duzo do powiedzenia. jest typowa miejscowoscia jaka mozna zobaczyc na szkockich wyspach, chyba nieco ladniejsze niz portree na skye. przeszlysmy sie kawalek a potem ruszylysmy dalej, do zatoki calgary. aha -w tobermory pierwszy raz w zyciu widzialam namioty rozbite na chodniku - sledzie wbite poniedzy kafelki!


isle of mull, day 3, tobermory

i dont really have much to say about tobermory, the capital of mull. it's a town typical for scottich isles, very similar to portree on skye, maybe a little bit nicer. we just had a short walk around the town and left for calgary bay. the only thing that surprised me, actually i've never seen it before - there were tents pitched on the main tobermory car park, tents pitched on the pavenemt. i guess thats because there are toilets and showers at the marina car park therefore people use them and then stay overnight.


trasa, dzien 3 / route of the day


przystan / the harbour

fajny kawalek trawy za kosciolem sie marnuje a ludzie rozbijaja namioty na chodniku! / nice piece of ready-to-camp-grass is being wasted and people pitch their tents on the pavement!

nasi tu byli :)