Friday 16 April 2010


niedzielny poranek nad loch lubnaig. kilka mil za callander zaskoczyl nas niesamowity widok. odbicia wzgorz w niezmaconym lustrze wody zapierajace dech w piersiach (i przyspieszajace czynnosc wyciagania aparatu z plecaka!). tego widoku nie pobila nawet panorama highlandow ze szczytu ben vorlich, do ktorego dojechalysmy kilka chwil pozniej.
a oto glowni sprawcy calego zamieszania.
sunday morning at loch lubnaig. few miles past callander we were astonished by this marvellous view - hills' reflection in still water. that actually made my heart beat really fast (!) and my hands to grab the camera even faster!
it was even better than the panoramic of highlands seen from the summit of ben vorlich (we saw it couple of moments (hours) later.
so.... meet the troublemakers... i mean -explorers :)

.. and bea