Wednesday, 27 May 2009


tym razem zdobylysmy Ben Lawers, 1214mnpm, dziesiaty na liscie Munro'sow (gory ponad 3000stop wysokosci). wybralysmy sciezke prowadzaca przez Beinn Ghlas (1103mnpm). mialysmy 'prawie szczescie', gdyz polowe drogi udalo nam sie przejsc w calkiem niezlej pogodzie, dopiero po wejsciu na beinn ghlas zaczela robic sie mgla, na szczycie ben lawers'a juz nic nie bylo widac, cala droge powrotna siapil deszcz. oczywiscie wialo, tradycyjnie :) pomimo to wycieczke zaliczamy do bardzo udanych, nowa przygoda, widoki nieziemskie, calkowicie motywujace do kolejnych potow podczas kolejnych wspinaczek na kolejne szkockie munros'y :) pojechala z nami KRTIKO :)
this time we climbed Ben Lawers, 3984ft, no. 10 on the Munro list (hills over 3000ft high). we chose a path going thru Beinn Ghlas (3620ft). we were 'almost lucky' as half of the walk was in quite a nice weather, only when we climbed beinn ghlas the fog started to come over from loch tay, on the top of ben lawers we could see absolutely nothing, all the way back we walked in rain. of course it was windy too, that's a tradition in scottish hills. all in all, the trip was really great, new adventure, amazing views, motivating to more trips, more munros, more sweat.
KRTIKO joined us for this trip

parking przy ben lawers visitors centre, w tle meall nan tarmachan
car park at the ben lawers visitors centre, meall nan tarmachan in the background

gotowe do drogi / ready to go!

bein ghlas

loch tay

sciezka na beinn ghlas, daleko w tle parking
a path to beinn ghlas, far.. far in the background is a car park

beinn ghlas

skaczac przez strumyk / jumping thru a stream

beinn ghlas

meall nan tarmachan 1044mnpm / 3425ft

widok z bein ghlass / view from beinn ghlas

meall nan tarmachan

widok z beinn ghlas / view from beinn ghlas

na szczycie beinn ghlas, w tle ben lawers
on the top of beinn ghlass, behind - ben lawers

widok z beinn ghlas / view from beinn ghlas

dolina / valley allt a' chobhair

beinn ghlas od strony ben lawers'a
beinn ghlas, looking from ben lawers

ben lawers

dzieki krtiko, fajne zdjecie :)
thanks ktriko, that's a nice picture :)

mgla nadchodzi... / fog is coming towards us...

.. i stopniowo pochlania wszystko ....
... and is gradually covering everything...

..wszystko, nawet nas. ben lawers, szczyt ... te cienie to beata i ktriko
..everything.. even us... ben lawers, the summit.. it's beata and ktriko there

ben lawers, szczyt / ben lawers, the summit

w drodze powrotnej... idac w sina dal...
on our way down from the summit

Monday, 25 May 2009


jak wiecie, sezon lazikowania juz otworzylysmy! pozwolcie ze przedstawimy wam kolejna gore, ktora nam ulegla, BEN VRACKIE, kolo pitlochry. wysokosc 720mnpm, nalezy do 'Corbetow' (gory sredniej wysokosci). calkowity czas wejscia okolo 5 godzin, wiadomo, ja robie zdjecia co chwile :)
szczegolnie podobal sie beacie, gdyz mniej wiecej polowe drogi idzie sie dosc stroma, kamienista sciezka, beacie bardzo przypominalo to nasze tatry... chyba zaczyna lubic te szkockie wzgorza ;)
na wycieczke zabralysmy ze soba basie i krisa

as you already know, we opened our 'hillwalkin' season 2009'. let us introduce you the next hill that we 'defeated' Mr BEN VRACKIE, 2759ft, a Corbet (general name for lower hills in scotland, less than 3000ft high), near pitlochry. total time of a walk was around 5hrs, you know I stop to take pictures all the time. i think, beata enjoyed it the most as more-less half of the way we had to go on a steep, rocky path, that reminded her of our tatras... i have a funny feeling she starts loving those scottish hills ;)
we took basia and kris for this trip

pierwsze widoki na ben vrackie, ten czubek po lewej / first view of ben vrackie, the summit on the left

chowa sie skubany za gorka! / he's hiding behind the other hill, b****rd!

ben vrackie & loch a choire

poczatek wspinaczki / going up

super-beata / beata-super-human-szewczyk

widok spod szczytu / view from 'just before the summit'

widok w kierunku blair atholl / view to the blair atholl

nareszcie na gorze! / finally on the top!

na szczycie strasznie wialo, to byl chyba jeden z potezniejszych wiatrzysk jakie kiedykolwiek widzialysmy, zobaczcie beaty spodnie
it was really windy on the top, i think it was one of the worst winds we ever experienced. look at beata's trousers

.. ale widok byl nieziemski / ..but the view was just amazing!

babuszka / babushka

widok na polnoc, beinn a'ghlo / view to the north, beinn a'ghlo

widok na poludnie, blair atholl / view to the south, blair atholl

w drodze na dol / on the way down


blair atholl hotel

w drodze powrotnej wstapilismy do the hermitage, lasu wielkich starych drzew
on our way back to edinburgh we visited 'the hermitage', forest park with highest and oldest trees in britain.

house of osian visitor centre

kazdy w swoim swiecie :) / everyone deep in his own thoughts

osian's cave