Thursday, 23 July 2015

EDI REDISCOVERED -old town- b&w

the usual - wandering around and ready to shoot :)

jak zawsze - szwedanie sie po miescie w pelnej gotowosci by cos utrzelic :)

royal mile

old college

balmoral hotel

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

EDI REDISCOVERED - victoria street & terrace

another corner of edi's old town rediscovered


kolejny zakamarek starego miasta edynburga odkryty na nowo

Sunday, 12 July 2015


wandering at old town, exploring closes and lanes. always worth to check what's around the corner :)


takie tam szwedanie po starym miescie, czasem warto sprawdzic co jest za rogiem :)

off royal mile

main library / biblioteka glowna

balmoral hotel