..... po bardzo dobrej nocy spedzonej w Natural Retreats I ogromnym sniadaniu przyszedl nareszcie czas by ruszyc w teren :) (mialam ogromna nadzieje ze skoro jestesmy juz tak daleko na polnoc to moze bede miala szczescie I noc bedzie bezchmurna.. I moze jakas zorze udaloby sie zobaczyc.... niestety noc byla grubo zascielona chmurami I nawet padalo.... no ale tymbardziej cieszylysmy sie z pieknego poranka!)
strzelilysmy kilka fotek przy przystani oraz slynnym kierunkowskazie (poprzedni post) I ruszylysmy na wschod. mimo ze mialysmy mapke, nie od razu udalo nam sie ustalic gdzie dokladnie przejsc (ploty), ale ostatecznie doszlysmy co gdzie I jak.
tak wiec od przystani/duzego parking/centrum informacji turystycznej (mniej wiecej wszystko w tym samym miejscu) trzeba pojsc w kierunku pola namiotowego I przez nie przejsc. na koncu pola jest brama (zaraz przy morzu). po pokonaniu bramy pozostaje juz tylko podazanie sciezka lub zwyczajnie wzdluz brzegu. przez caly czas widzialysmy przed soba latarnie morska duncansby head, nasz pierwszy cel. od latarni poszlysmy szeroka sciezka (jest drogowzkaz) do ostancow duncansby stacks. bardzo przyjemny spacer, widoki niesamowite. no I nikogo poza nami. dla tych o twardszej glowie polecam wszelkie mozliwe sposoby by znalezc sie jak najblizej klifow - sciezka czasem prowadzi nieco dalej od krawedzi I nie widac az tak dobrze tego, co rozposciera sie ponizej. przyznam ze ja wystawilam glowe poza klif kiedy tylko sie dalo I kilka razy przyprawilam beate niemal o atak serca hahah poza tym pieknie, ze udalo nam sie zrobic pierwsze fotki dnia przy wschodzie slonca, ostatnie fotki przy ostancach byly juz klimatyczne przy cieplym swietle wczesnego zachodu.
wrazenie z odwiedzin duncansby stacks jest niesamowite. po pierwsze zielonosc trawy dookola, niebieskie niebo (wiem, mialysmy wielkie szczescie) I nawet nie wialo az tak bardzo. huk fal rozbijajacych sie o dol skalistych klifow, krzyk mew. nikogo. w takich miejscach I chwilach czuje sie jednoscia z otaczajacym mnie swiatem, czuje sie blisko Boga.
czas przejscia 3 godz
.... after a very good night sleep at Natural Retreats and a huge breakfast, we finally were ready to go and explore. I admit, I was hoping to be lucky enough to have a clear night sky and maybe even see the northern lights as we were so far north.. but it rained at night and the sky was covered by thick clouds.. the more we enjoyed that beautiful sunny morning later on :)
after taking few pictures at the harbour and the famous john o'groats signpost we were ready to go. thou we had some problems with location of the exact point where the walk started (walls and fences).
so, from the harbour/large car park, tourist information (all in the same place actually) we walked towards the campsite. there is a need to walk thru the campsite actually, on the opposite side of the site is a gate and a path going along the shore. after crossing the gate the world is your - you can follow the path or just walk on the field. at all times we could see the duncansby lighthouse in front of us, that was our first destination. from the lighthouse there is a signposted, wide path going south, to the duncansby stacks. a very nice walk, amazing views. and nobody else around :) if you have a good head for heights I would recommend to keep as close to the cliff edge as possible (maybe even cross the fence once or twice.. I never said that!) as the path goes a wee bit further from the cliff edge sometimes and to see and enjoy the views it is just better to stick to the cliff edge. I admit, I was as close to the edge as possible, didn't want to miss a thing of what's underneath, but I was aware I almost made Bea having a heart attack on couple of occasions.
I guess we were extremely lucky with the weather and also the fact that our first photties that day were taken in the soft sunrise light and the last ones taken at duncansby stacks were already nice and warm sun-setting light.
impressions from the visit to dunsansby head: amazing, beautiful, breathtaking. firstly, the juicy green grass around, secondly -the blue skies (I know, I know how lucky we were!) and the wind wasn't too bad neither. thunder-like noise of waves crushing into the rocky cliffs, seagulls' cries. in places like this I do feel one with the nature and the world around me. In places like this I feel closer to God.
SHORT MOVIE from duncansby head stacks, take a minute and watch
walk time approx. 3 hrs
trasa dnia I atrakcje / route of the day and points of interest
map copyright Ordnance Survey
nasza sciezka I widoki w strone john O'Groats
our path, looking back to john O'Groats
ness of duncansby
duncansby head
latarnia / lighthouse
bay of sannick
duncansby head
w oddali, ostance duncansby stacks
far end, duncansby stacks
the knee
duncansby stacks
thirle door & the knee
duncansby stacks (looking from north....) / patrzac od polnocy
duncansby stacks (.....looking from south) / patrzac od poludnia
warto bylo przejsc sie kawalek dalej niz same ostance by moc podziwiac je w swietle zachodzacego slonca oraz wkomponowane w zupelnie inny krajobraz :)
it was worth to walk further than the stacks to be able to see them in sunset light and composed in a different cliff-view
bay of sannick
w tle / far background - the orkneys
muszle :) / shells
john O'Groats poczatek zachodu slonca / the sunset begins