od wielu tygodni wyczekiwana wycieczka lazikowa -piekna mamy jesien tego lata, jakos nie udaje nam sie jezdzic w gory zbyt czesto w tym sezonie :(
tym razem stuchd an lochain w okolicy doliny lyon (glen lyon). jest to dosc szybki munro, zaledwie kilkugodzinny szlak. okolica za to jest piekna, jadac w strone glen lyon oraz pozniej wzdloz doliny, nie moglysmy oderwac wzroku oraz nadziwic sie otaczajacej nas soczystej zielonosci i sielskim widokom.
stuchd an lochain
960 mnpm
munro nr 197
czas 4.5 godz
zdjecia dedykujemy Virgi & Pepe, ktorzy nie dolaczyli do nas mimo ze bardzo chcieli :)
so many weeks we have been waiting for a 'good weather window'! this summer is more like an autumn and we dont really go to the hills too often this year. this time we tackled stuch an lochain, mountain in glen lyon area. the munro is a rather quick one, only couple of hours walk, but the area definitely amazed us and we actually spent there some more time, after the walk... even driving along glen lyon - i just coudnt take my eyes off the juicy greens around...
stuch an lochain
960 m (3149ft)
munro no 197
total time 4.5 hrs
we dedicate the pictures to Virgi & Pepe, who couldnt join us, thou they really tried :)
najlatwiejszy dojazd z edynburga do glen lyon to chyba mala jednopasmowa droga biegnaca obok ben lawers'a oraz lochan na lairige. jedzie sie nia jakies 25minut, dojezdza do skrzyzowania oznaczonego 'glen lyon' (znak na wschod i na zachod), skrecic w lewo, minac zjazd do zamku (z lewej) i skrecic w pierwsza w prawo (droga oznaczona jako 'droga do jezior' / road to lochs, jedyna droga odbijajaca na prawo). po 5 minutach dojezdza sie do bramy -trzeba wysiasc i ja otworzyc, kolejna 5 minut jazdy i jestesmy na miejscu kolo tamy i jeziora loch na diamh
the easiest access from edinburgh would be going: edi-m9-junction10-callander-killin. then drive along loch tay for about 15mins and turn left (signposted for ben lawers, brown signs). it is a wee, single track road. pass ben lawers, lochan na lairige. after about 25mins road ends with a T junction (both ways signposted as glen lyon). take left. pass small road to the castle, after another 10 mins turn right (one and only turn right along this road) -road is signposted as 'road to the lochs' (or sth very similar). pass the closed gate (get off the car to open it!) drive another 5 mins and you're at the dam and loch na diamh.
mapka trasy, na zielono zaznaczone opcjonalne zejscie (bez sciezki)
route of the day, green marked is an optional descent (no path)
witam w glen lyon / welcome to glen lyon
jestesmy! z parkingu niestety widac tylko tyle... a prognoza miala byc 'slonce!' !!!
here we are, unfortunately thats all we could see from the car park.. thou forecast said 'sunshine'
no to w gore! (sciezka) / up we go! (follow the path)
loch na diamh
creag na fheadain
(nadal sciezka lub wzdloz starych slupkow plotowych) / (still along the path or just old fence posts)
glen lyon.... gdzie to slonce?!?!? / what about the SUNSHINE?!?!?!
sron chona choirein
stuchd an lochain & loch diamh
loch diamh
stuchd an lochain
stuchd an lochain & lochan nan cat
lochan nan cat & loch diamh
stuchd an lochain (ostatnie 15 min podejscia / last push -15mins)
stamtad przyszlysmy / looking back
sron chona choirein
loch na diamh & meall cruinn
loch na dimh
meall buidhe
loch diamh & buachaille etive mor (glencoe)
glen dochart munros
loch lyon
stuchd an lochain - szczyt / summit (slonce!?!?!? / sunshine!)
loch diamh
glen lyon
the tarmachan ridge
grupa szczytow bena lawersa (w chmurach) / the lawers group (in clouds)
spowrotem na parkingu / back at the car park
kreta droga / winding road
invervar munros
glen lyon :)
dla porownania -pogoda podczas przyjazdu oraz odjazdu
for your comparison - weather when we arrived and when we were leaving