ostatni dzien naszej wycieczki, ostatnie miejsce jakie odwiedzilysmy.. ale od poczatku. z powodu nieciekawej pogody oraz faktu ze miejsce gdzie planowalysmy zatrzymac sie na obiad (beach house hotel, podobno nieziemskie owoce morza podaja... szkoda ze sa otwarci tylko w sezonie, wiec my pocalowalysmy klamke) bylo zamkniete, dotarlysmy do castlebay kilka godzin przed odplynieciem promu, wczesnym popoludniem. oczywiscie dotarlysmy glodne jak stado wilkow... w zwiazku z tym po dotarciu do castlebay, jako priorytet postawilysmy zjedzenie obiadu. i oto pojawil sie pierwszy problem - nie ma gdzie!!!!
najpierw sprobowalysmy w heritage centre -dosc niezachecajace miejsce (jakies kanapki i zupa), ponadto glowna atrakcja tego obiektu jest wystawa zdjec miejscowego fotografa (nie zapierajace dechu w piersiach) za obejrzenie ktorej kaza sobie zaplacic 3f! (nie ma mowy!!!)
potem sprobowalysmy hotelu na gorce (zamkniety), pubu na gorce (nie podaja jedzenia)... ostatnim miejscem byla mala indyjska restauracyjka (polecamy!), gdzie udalo nam sie w koncu cos zjesc -pomimo ze gosciu mial ja wlasnie zamknac- zlitowal sie nad nami i zostal. oczywiscie bea zaraz wdala sie w rozmowe z gosciem :) podczas ktorej dowiedzialysmy sie kilku rzeczy o dzikich koniach z eriskay oraz o tym ze gosciu mieszka na wyspie vatersay. polecil nam jechac tam KONIECZNIE mowiac o pieknych zakatkach i wspanialej wodzie. powiedzial 'mi to zajmuje jakies 20 minut zeby do domu dojechac, to wam zajmie jakies 40 minut' hahaha (a wlasnie ze nam tez zajelo 20!).
wiec pojechalysmy :) i bez 2 zdan musze powiedziec ze bylo to jedno z najbardziej urokliwych miejsc hebrydow.
koniecznie polecam zajechac na vatersay! 'na szybkiego' wystarcza 2 godz aby dojechac i sie poszwedac. warto!
last day of our trip, last place we visited, but let's start from the beginning... originally we planned to spend more time walking on barra (but it was pretty windy and we were already a little bit tired). we also planned to have lunch at the beach house hotel (which is apparently famous for its amazing seafood dishes.. but nobody mentioned that the hotel is open only during high season, therefore we arrived to locked door and gate). as a result of all above, we arrived to castlebay in the early afternoon -many hours too early for ferry's departure. and we arrived starving. so we set searching for a place to eat as top priority. and that's where the problems began.
there was nowhere to eat!
first we tried the heritage centre. they did have some sandwiches and soup but the place wasn't welcoming at all, rather awful. what is more, it seems that the centre's main attraction is a gallery of photographs taken by a local guy (nothing spectacular) and they expected people to pay £3 admission (no way!!!!)
then we tried a hotel on the hill (closed), pub on the hill (didnt serve food) and as a last chance we tried a wee indian restaurant -CAFE KISIMUL. to be honest, the guy was just about to close the place when we arrived and i think he just took pity on us and asked the cook to stay few more minutes. food was brilliant! of course, bea being herself, immediately started talking to the guy, who, in the course of conversation revealed some facts about wild horses from eriskay. he also mentioned that he lived on vatersay and praised the place! beaches, water, dunes... he reckoned we would be in time for the ferry even if we checked out the vatersay. he said 'it takes me 20 mins drive to get home, so i think you'll manage to get there within 40 mins' (we also managed within 20 mins, sir!)
so we went :) and this was one of the best places we have seen on the hebrides.
definitely i recommend visiting vatersay, absolutely!
2 hrs is more than enough for driving and having a wee walk , and it definitely is worth :)
prosze, jedna z plaz na vatersay / here you go, one of the vatersay's beaches
(photo by bea)
lokalizacja / location
polecana trasa spacery na vatersay / recommended walk on vatersay
plaza i wydmy / dunes and the beach
nieco wietrznie.. zoba jak mi rekawizka lata :)
tiny -wee bit windy, check out my flying glove :)
szkola na vatersay / school buildings
wydmy / dunes
(photo by bea)
(photo by bea)
(photo by bea)
(photo by bea)
zwezenie pomiedzy polnocna i poludniowa czescia vatersay, po obu stronach wspaniale plaze. na koncu zwezenia, po stronie poludniowej -wioseczka vatersay- kilka domow
narrow passage between northern and southern part of vatersay, beaches on both sides :) at the south end -the village of vatersay, just couple of houses