nasza ostatnia wycieczka do glencoe. wyjazd z edynburga 7 rano, 2.5 godz jazdy. dzien zapowiadal sie wspaniale (i okazal sie wspanialy, niespodzianka). trasa obejmowala wejscie na 3 szczyty - 2 munrosy i jeden munro top, choc nazwanie stob coire nan lochan tylko 'munro topem' wydaje mi sie dosc niesprawiedliwe - kawal z niego gory dal nam sie niezle we znaki. fajnym miejscem byla tez 'zagubiona dolina', ktora zobaczylysmy w drodze powrotnej.
bidean nam bian 1150m, munro nr 23
stob coire sgreamhach 1072m, munro nr 65
stob coire nan lochan 1155m, munro top
trasa 9.5 godz
our most recent trip to glencoe. sunday morning, we left edinburgh at 7am and arrived to glencoe pass within 2.5hrs. the day was fantastic, good weather and great route (9.5 hrs). we climbed 3 mountains: 2 munros and 1 munro top, although calling stob coire nan lochan just a munro top is a wee bit unfair - it's a hell of a the mountain. we also discovered a nice place called the lost valley. all our achievements were filmed by martin, who fixed lots of short movies into a 4 minutes clip - CLICK HERE TO SEE IT (IT'S WORTH TO SPEND THOSE 4 MINUTES WATCHING IT)
bidean nam bian 3773ft, munro no 23
stob coire sgreamhach 3517ft, munro no 65
stob coire nan lochan 3658ft, munro top
trasa / the route
przystanek kolo bridge of orchy / short stop in bridge of orchy
the three sisters: beinn fhada, gearr aonach, aonach dubh
z prawej z tylu / right background: stob coire nan lochan
coire nan lochan
aonach eagach
aonach dubh
fajna, kamienista sciezka / nice rocky path up
stob coire nan lochan
bezlitosnie w gore i w gore / no mercy - up and then up again!
szybko nabieramy wysokosci / we gained the height pretty quickly
w dole -parking pass of glencoe / pass of glencoe car park
stob coire nan lochan
pierwsza przerwa - wodospad z jeziorkiem i pierwsze wyglupy filmowe / first break - at the waterfall and wee pool, first crazy movies
coraz wyzej / higher and higher up
sa dwie opcje zdobycia stob coire nan lochan - pierwsza to zejscie ze sciezki 'pod'jeziorkami i pojscie w prawo aby ominac czesc wymagajaca nieco wspinania. druga pocja to podazenie sciezka dalej w gore, krotka wspinaczka do kolejnej doliny -z jeziorkami, oraz dalej wspinaczka grania na coire nan lochan. my przegapilismy zejscie w prawo tak wiec decyzja podjela sie sama -poszlismy trudniejsza trasa
there are two ways to reach stob coire nan lochan: first is turning right just before reaching the lochans and following path on slopes of the mountain; or second option is continuing up with some scramble to reach the lochans and then turn left to the ridge and follow the ridge to the summit, with some nice scramble again. we missed the early turn right therefore we walked the more difficult way.
stob coire nan lochan, the buttress
mala przerwa na przekaske i pogawedki z innymi lazikami / short lunch break and some chatting with fellow walkers :)
kolo jeziorek / at the lochans
wyglupy oczywiscie / some fun too
ok, jestesmy na grani, teraz spacer i mala wspinaczka do szczytu / ok we're on the ridge, now some walking and some scrambling to the summit
pierwsze widoki na nasza droge powrotna - pionowa sciana w dol ... / first glimpse to our way back.. down the vertical wall..?
THE red scree gully..
beinn fhada & stob coire sgreamhach (nasz drugi munro / our second munro)
mala wspinaczka / short scrambling
padamy, ale juz niedaleko do szczytu / we're knackered but it's not too far now to our first summit
na dol widok na jeziorka / down to the lochans - views are spectacular!
aonach eagach
widok na / towards: glencoe and ballachulish
widoki ze szczytu stob coire nan lochan - nasz piewszy szczyt, wejscie 3.5 godz
views from stob coire nan lochan, reached within 3.5 hrs
bidean nan bian z / from stob coire nan lochan
stob coire nan lochan
szczyt / the summit : stob coire nan lochan
ben nevis
loch leven & loch linnhe
pod bidean nam bian - to beata jest / just under the summit of bidean nam bian - it's beata there
stob coire nan lochan z / from bidean nam bian
pogoda sie psuje / . and the weather broke down :(
widoki z bidean nam bian / views from bidean nam bian
no to idziemy na / so we're continuing to: stob coire sgreamhach
stob coire nan lochan & lost valley
pielgrzymi / the walkers
bidean nam bian spod / from the foot of stob coire sgreamhach
the lost valley
szczyt / the summit of stob coire sgreamhach
wejscie / ascent 15 min from the red scree gully
fotki i filmiki / pics and movies
lost valley & beinn fhada
bidean nam bian & stob coire nan lochan