jestem bardzo w tyle ze wstawianiem zdjec, przepraszam baska wiem ze czekalas juz tyleee tygodni na te fotki.
wycieczka na beinn narnain i cobblera, czesc 2. wejscie na samego beinn narnain bylo dosc dlugie, moze glownie dlatego ze wciaz wydawalo nam sie ze to juz szczyt .. i ciagle okazywalo sie ze bylismy w bledzie i po wejsciu na jeden 'szczycik' zaraz pojawial sie kolejny... coz, taki urok szkockich ben'ow ;)
beinn narnain - 926m (3038ft)
munro nr: 259
byli z nami: baska i krisek
gosh, I am so much behind the schedule with this blog! sorry guys!
trip to beinn narnain and the cobbler, part 2.
beinn narnain has quite a long ascent, maybe it just seemed to be long, as all the time it seemed that we were close to the summit and after reaching 'the summit' we just found out that there was another one to climb.. and another one... well, it's just the way that scottish 'beinns' are :)
beinn narnain: 3038ft (926m)
munro no: 259
joined us: baska & kris
widok na beinn ime / view to beinn ime